Water Memory: Is it Real? What it is and how to use it!

Glug Glug Flows All Water, But It Feels Like It’s The Water Memory Speaking… Have you ever felt that the water we drink sometimes tastes different every time? It is the same thing- tasteless, colourless, and a thirst quencher, yet it is different each time. So, let’s analyse, what makes it appear this way. Let us take you to the most commonly used gadget that freezes time and events associated with it- the ubiquitous camera. This camera captures moments which we later recall, and then cherish those memories. Likewise with water. To learn how to conserve water, read this.

That water has a memory itself means it is one of the elements that can change its form, but not its composition; that it is eternal, and has been here in the cosmos much before anything. Water is life. Now we know what that line means, do we not?

Groundbreaking Truth

To quote a well known scientist and researcher, William Brown, a Biophysicist from the Resonance Science: “A new groundbreaking discovery has been made within the most basic of resources. Scientists have just discovered what they have called ‘The Discovery of The Millennium’, and a huge revelation in human consciousness. Scientists from Germany now believe that water has a memory, meaning that what once was seen as a simple commodity has now been closely examined to reveal a scientific revelation, uncovering a mind-blowing truth”. This has a precursor to the research in this arena- Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, has worked with water all his life and was the first to announce this earth-shattering truth: that water is not oblivious to the things around it.


Divining Through The Water

Moksha (name changed on request), a water diviner and an astrologer and Akashic records reader, says with conviction, that the beasts of Nature, the dinosaurs, ran over and dominated the Earth many millions of years ago. This is a theory or fact that many people know because of the dinosaur remains and fossils we have been discovering. But, the validation aspect has been given by Nature’s secret keepers, Water. Being an Anthropologist and an Akashic Reader, her burning question was to test if the Dinosaurs once ruled the earth, and were the sole inhabitants.

And The Past Revealed Itself Through The stories Narrated By the Droplets Of Water

During one of the meditations, on the beach, Moksha saw water falling like a huge waterfall, cascading down. The spirit of life in the waters was palpable, she said. The water was showing her the images of the dinos walking the earth’s wild forests, and life at that point of time. “It was as if the water spirit was narrating the stories of the dinosaurs to me, and the pages of ancient history were thrusting forth these images into my head”, stated Moksha. This is the past which we retraced from the stories that droplets of water have narrated.

The Secrets and The Mysteries Of The Universe Revealed Through Water Memory

Yes, Water, like our subconscious state or the hard drive of our system can store memories. It is easy to look towards water for the secrets of the universe. Very few people have the gift to access it, or the divine. To corroborate this truth, read on. See how mystifying the powers of water really are; behaving more like the camera, capturing the reality only to reveal the truth to those who can divine the truth from it. Below are the researches conducted by the Resonance Science Foundation. 

Experiment 1

i. In a scientific experiment, a group of students took one drop of water from the same body of water, all at the same time. Through close examination of the individual droplets, it was seen that each produced different images.

Experiment 2

ii. In the second experiment a real flower was placed into a body of water. And after a while a sample droplet of the water was taken out for examination. The resulted produced a mesmerizing pattern when hugely magnified, but all of the droplets of this water looked very similar. Then the same experiment was done with a different species of flower. And the magnified droplet looked completely different, thereby determining that a particular flower is evident in each droplet of water.

The Conclusive Evidence

Through this discovery which shows that water has a memory, according to scientists, a new perception of water can be formed. The German scientists believe that as water travels, it picks up and stores information from all of the places that it has traveled through. Which can thereby connect people to a lot of different places and sources of information when they drink this water, depending on the journey that it has been on.


Experiments by Emoto Masaru

The image below says it all. In many experiments that the scientist Emoto Masaru conducted on water, with water and through water, he divined and came to the conclusion. He had been right all along and he wanted the world to know the results of his numerous experiments. The picture below was taken after the water was exposed to a Buddhist prayer. In fact, water has the power to cure and heal, he surmised. Every drop of water that was in the presence of anything positive, always displayed itself in myriads of beautiful designs.


Triggering Off Memories

“Through this discovery which shows that water has a memory, according to scientists, a new perception of water can be formed. The German scientists believe that as water travels it picks up and stores information from all of the places that it has traveled through, which can thereby connect people to a lot of different places and sources of information when they drink this water, depending on the journey that it has been on”. (Reference: resonancescience.org)


The Presence Of Water

Water surrounds us everywhere; about 70% of the earth consists of water. Dr. Masaru, due to his experiments, was able to arrive at this answer as a responsive fact. During the 1990’s, he performed a series of experiments observing the substantial effect of words, prayers, music and environment on the crystalline structure of water. He made that he carried out worldwide water research on how it affects us – humans and our environment. And he did this so that he could tell the world the basic thing. He has written several researched papers volume titled “Hidden Messages in Water”, in which he has mentioned that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Our thoughts and words have unique magnetic code, which can interrelate with water. (Reference: Hidden messages in water by Emoto Masaru)


Status Of Water From Time Immemorial

Ancient civilizations always sprang on the banks of a river; our forefathers knew and understood the value of this invaluable element; they knew only it had the power to sustain life. Even before these scientists of repute told the world about the importance of the status of water, the ancient Hindu textx- the vedas spoke of something called ‘Aachamanam‘. This was the chanting of a few affirmations alongside drinking water in a small spoon, thrice. Those outside of this tradition may not understand this, however, we at L’Aquila Active, wish to highlight what Aachamanam means. So read on here, to get enlightened. The number three was of great importance in the scriptures- the holy texts of the Upanishads and the Vedas, where three meant Trinity of Gods. The Holy Trinity- Lord Bramha, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva.

Water memory effects and its impact on the world vegetation productivity

Water memory also has other impacts in the field of agriculture. Read on in these pages to know more about different modes of farming for sustainability too. we can understand memory effects as the connection of vegetation in a specific place defined as the dependence of vegetation productivity on both contemporary disturbances and the residual effects of past climate conditions. The occurrence of such effects highlights the importance of considering time in ecological studies and provides an explanation for the observed relationship between antecedent climate conditions and current vegetation growth. Indeed, there is clear evidence that past climate conditions, including precipitation, temperature, and other abiotic factors can significantly influence phenology, vegetation productivity and terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycles.

(Reference: nature.com)

The Power Of Water, As shown by Dr. Masaru Emoto

Dr.Emoto’s experiments with water showed that the water reacts to what words we use; our words depend on our emotions. Emoto’s experiments proved that the water crystals creates either beautiful or harmonious shapes or ugly and irregular ones. We learn from Dr. Emoto that water has memory far longer than our fleeting, transitory lifetimes. Infact, the places of worship always use water for the purpose of purification. In the churches, they use them for Baptising and in temples, as a a medium of carrying special blessings from the divine, to the people.

(Reference: drvidyahattangadi.com)

How To Use Water As A Tool Of Change?

With all the powers exhibited by water, we too can put it to good use. By transmuting our positive thoughts of affirmation into the water, we can ensure good changes. By consuming that very same energized water, we can bring about a positive change in our lives. How do we do that? Every time, we are going to drink water, make sure, we send thoughts of peace, love, happiness and harmony into it, and then drink it. Human beings, being 70% water, are sure to receive the affirmation. This means our body would accept the affirmation, and it would, to explain it better, become embedded into our DNA.

Water’s Transformational Power

This is one of the first steps in our quest to implement the power of water in our spiritual evolution. The properties of water allow the thoughts to reach every cell and subatomic particle to deliver the information, because water carries vibrations of our thoughts. It is possible to transmit any message that you want at the miniscule subatomic particle level. Let us try a small example at home. Start by practicing the Anulom Vilom, or the alternate breathing process, where we inhale and exhale alternately. This we can do with setting up the things or the paraphernalia for this process around us.

Getting Into The State Of Initiating Changes Through Water

After you complete the alternate breathing process- continue to sit in the Sukhasana, or the easy/comfortable sitting position, also called as the half lotus pose. Keep a glass of water next to you, some incense that is fragrant and burning, preferably something like myrrh or any natural resin that wards off negative vibes, and ushers in positive vibes. After the alternate inhalation and exhalation process, now take the glass of water, and first of all, surround yourself and the glass of water with a golden light, protecting yourself. Tell yourself, that everything is going to be wonderful and amazing.

The Steps To Program Water And Harness Its Power!

How to program the water memory?

  1. Take a glass of water.
  2. Sit in a comfortable position and hold the glass with both hands. Try to spread your fingers while holding it. However, do not allow your fingertips from touching the fingertips of the other hand. Hence the thumb of your left hand will be close to the thumb of your right hand but they should not touch each other.
  3. Look into the water, using it as a mental screen.
  4. State your affirmation and visualize the end result. Do this for 15 minutes. Here, you are using focused thought to communicate the pure intention that you wish the water to carry.
    5. Once you have finished, drink it.

Stay positive, stay happy by drinking lot of water and use the positivity of water for others around you. Remember water memory. (Credits and References: drvidyahattangadi.com)

Watch and pay attention to Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev for his invaluable inputs about water. Science and Logic cannot explain certain miracles, secrets and serendipitous occurrences that happen around us. Everything need not have a scientific explanation and things are the magical way they are, purely because they are life and Nature’s way of telling us that life can be amazing. We need to be always in a state of constant and continuous anticipation.

The next time, you want a quick-fix solution to program something at home, or change the ambience at your workplace, try using water a s a perfect medium to initiate it.


Shanti Arunkumar, Senior Contributor At L’Aquila Active

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Shanti Arunkumar

Shanti Arunkumar is a senior contributor at L’Aquila Active. Shanti Arunkumar has been practicing yoga as a student since childhood. She has qualified from Shrimath Yoga as a yoga instructor, acquiring the necessary credentials to facilitate as a Teacher of yoga and Indian traditional philosophy, in India as well as abroad. She conducts yoga classes for people on a on-on-one as well as a group basis. She conducts online yoga called Vistara Yoga and offline yoga and these classes are called Sushrusha Yoga. She has attended workshops conducted by Yoga Vidya Niketan at Vashi, Navi Mumbai and has completed the Life Coach Certification also conducted by Shrimath Yoga. She is a certified Career counsellor and an English verbal expert. As an educator, she has about 33 years of experience having taught English in schools in India as well as in Oman. She lives in Chennai, India with her husband. Learn more about Shanti's university degrees, certifications, and credentials on yoga and meditation - and meet our entire team of experts here: https://laquilaactive.com/blog/meet-our-experts/

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