Are you prone to compulsive behavior? Addictions? Do you suffer from low sexual desire, or perhaps too much? Do you feel unable to express yourself, especially creatively? Well, something could be out of balance, and you could need to open your sacral chakra!
The sacral chakra is also known as Swadhisthana in Sanskrit, and is the second of the seven main chakras in the body.
The sacral chakra is located just below the tailbone in the lower abdomen. Its function is to regulate your emotional stability as well as your creativity, sexuality, and desires. When blocked, this can lead to many damaging feelings and behaviors that include guilt, shame, sexual dysfunction, lack of creativity, and addictions.
However, when open, we live as our authentic self. Emotionally, we become more centered. Our lives become filled with joy, pleasure, creativity, and fulfillment.
Don’t worry if your sacral chakra feels blocked as it’s common for many of us at some point in our lives. It’s time to regulate your emotional state and improve the well-being of your life today!
According to experts, here’s how to open your sacral chakra now:
- Water – Hydrate, Swim, Relax
- Yoga Poses – Open Hips To Open Sacral Chakra
- Diet – Orange Foods & More
- Affirmations – Stability, Sexuality, Creativity
- Chanting “VAM” To Open Sacral Chakra
- Essential Oils – Aphrodisiac Flowers Work Best
- Stones and Crystals – Orange Calcite/Moonstone
- Singing Bowl Meditation – Note D
- Rekindle Your Creative Passions
Water – Hydrate, Swim, Relax
Water is the the element associated with the sacral chakra. This is because the flow of water as well its different states of liquid, solid and gas represent change. Our resistance to change is a strong sign of a blocked sacral chakra, and connecting with water can help us open it.
We can do this with a relaxing bath and even add some of the sacral chakra associated essential oils listed below. Similarly, we can also reconnect with nature at the same time by going for a swim in the ocean, lake or river. Finally, it’s important to stay well hydrated for our well being in general and to maintain the health of all chakras, but it’s especially important to help open the sacral chakra.
For an added boost, infuse your glass of water with an orange or orange peel as this fruit is also associated with the opening of the sacral chakra!
Yoga Poses – Open Hips To Open Sacral Chakra
Since the sacral chakra is located slightly below the tailbone, it is helpful to practice yoga poses that help open the hips. The sacral chakra also deals with sexual dysfunction, so hip opening poses will also help ensure a healthy flow of energy throughout the body.
These poses should be done in a calm, slow, and relaxed manner without challenging yourself too much. To open up the sacral chakra, many yoga teachers recommend the following yoga poses:
- Goddess Pose- Utkata Konasana
- Butterfly Pose – Baddha Konasana
- Cobra Pose – Bhujangasana
- Seated Torso Circles
Diet – Orange Foods & More
Orange is the color most commonly associated with the sacral chakra, and oranges are one of the most highly recommended foods to help open your sacral chakra! Although many of the advised foods are orange, colors are just a guide and may vary, and there are a healthy mix of fruits and vegetables experts recommend. Here a good list of foods to help unblock the sacral chakra:
- oranges
- carrots
- sweet potatoes
- pumpkins
- mangoes
- papayas
- coconuts
- butternut squash
- peaches
Affirmations – Stability, Sexuality, Creativity
Throughout the day, we can use affirmations as gentle reminders that serve as positive reinforcement for our subconscious mind. We all engage in thoughts and self talk in our head, and often these thoughts can become negative and create a loop.
Sometimes we aren’t even consciously aware of this! Yet if we don’t consciously change our negative thoughts it can often lead to crippling stress and anxiety. Affirmations do just that, and by saying positive words and statements aloud and can replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
As mentioned previously, the sacral chakra deals with emotional stability, creativity, pleasure and sexuality. To help open the sacral chakra, we must choose affirmations that help create stability, self expression, comfort with our sexual desires, and sensuality.
Here are some great examples, but feel free to create your own that resonate with your emotional needs:
- I am comfortable inside my own body
- I embrace my sexuality in a healthy, safe and creative way
- I surround myself with compassionate and supportive people
- I deserve a life of pleasure, joy, and fulfillment
- I am highly creative, imaginative, and inspired
Chanting “VAM” To Open Sacral Chakra
While seated or while doing the associated hip opening yoga poses above, you can use a specific chant to help open the sacral chakra.
“Chanting is a rhythmical repetition (either silently or aloud) of a song, prayer, word or sound. According to the Indian yoga tradition, sound is healing and sacred. It is also believed that sound is one of the most powerful forces.”
Yogapedia definition
Each chakra has a different associated chant, and for the sacral chakra, it is the sound “VAM.” Pronounce the chant in a low volume and enunciate the vowels. Place extra time and emphasis over the letters “V” and “A” and spend less time on “M” and slowly taper off so you can hear and feel the vibration. If you are uncomfortable or in a public space, you can chant in your head.
Here’s a great video below on this practice of chanting “VAM” to help open your sacral chakra.
Essential Oils – Aphrodisiac Flowers Work Best
Essential oils another great tool that help unblock chakras by calming the body and relaxing the senses. Each of seven chakras is associated with different essential oils that serve different functions and heal the body, mind, and spirit in different ways.
For example, the root chakra is associated with grounding and best opened with earthy oils made from trees and roots such as cedarwood, frankincense, patchouli, and vetiver.
However, the sacral chakra is best opened with essential oils that are derived from flowers. Specifically, those that work best are natural and powerful aphrodisiac flowers that will help us reconnect, balance, and heal our sexual and reproductive system.
As mentioned previously, orange is the color associated with the sacral chakra, so the oil we suggest starting with is sweet orange. However, there are many more!
Commonly recommended essential oils by professional Yogis, Reiki Masters, Aromatherapists, and healers to help unblock and open the sacral chakra:
- sweet orange
- cardamom
- Ylang ylang
- Jasmine
- Neroli
- Damiana
- Sandalwood
Stones and Crystals – Orange Calcite/ Moonstone
Specific stones and crystals are another important technique to help unblock chakras. They work best when combined with other practices in this guide. These stones are believed to have healing properties that are derived from unique vibrations that can transform and shift energy.
There are several stones to help open the sacral chakra. However, considering this chakra is associated with the color orange, we suggest starting with orange moonstone and orange calcite.
Here is our list of the top healing crystals and stones that experienced certified crystal healing practitioners recommend to help unblock your sacral chakra:
- Orange Calcite
- Orange Moonstone
- Tangerine Quartz
- Amber
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Tiger’s Eye
- Sunstone
- Carnelian
- Goldstone
- Aragonite Star Clusters
- Unakite
- Peach Aventurine
Head here to learn more about how to use crystals in our beginner’s guide to crystal therapy.
Singing Bowl Meditation – Note D
Tibetian singing bowls are a great way to open all chakras. Each chakra vibrates at unique frequencies and these singing bowls are able to connect with these frequencies and help energy flow freely. Consequently, this helps open chakras!
According to Jevon Dängeli, an Authentic Self Empowerment (ASE) Facilitator and Trainer, the sound waves created when one plays a singing bowl interact with the unbalanced chakras causing them to self-correct. Chakra balancing with singing bowls restores a “harmonious flow of energy” to the chakra system in a natural and calming way.
The Sacral Chakra is associated with the note D.
How to unblock sacral chakra with a singing bowl:
1.Strike your singing bowl with a mallet two to three times or firmly rub the mallet along the rim of bowl to create resonance and vibration.
2.As you hear the sound, focus on the sacral chakra in the body in the lower abdomen just below tailbone. and visualize the color orange.
3. While focusing on this chakra in the body, visualizing the color orange, fill the chakra with bright light as you heal it with waves of energy.
Rekindle Your Creative Passions
Rediscover your inspiration again! It’s time to rekindle your creative side, and how you do that is completely up to you. You can try a new activity or improve an old one. Activities may include drawing, painting, singing, dancing, musical instruments, writing, and more!
The sacral chakra is deeply connected to creativity, and when blocked you can often feel unmotivated or stuck. By trying new creative pursuits or rediscovering old ones, it will help you open the sacral chakra!
The Sacral chakra is associated with our emotional stability, desires, pleasure, sexuality, and creativity. When blocked, we can feel a lack of imagination, sexual dysfunction, depression, instability, and may even engage in compulsive or addictive behaviors.
It’s common for many of us to have a blocked sacral chakra at some point in our lives. This is especially true when we are going through stressful and challenging times in our personal relationships or career. However, we don’t have to live in the past, and we can unblock this chakra and live a joyful, fulfilling, pleasureful, and creative life!
Use this guide to unblock and open your sacral chakra today!
Shanti Arunkumar, Senior Contributor At L’Aquila Active
Learn more about Shanti by reading her bio below.
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