Healing Crystals For Beginners: How to Use and Benefits

Do crystals really have healing benefits? Is it a woo-woo thing or is there something actually going on there? Science hasn’t proven anything so far. And I’ve heard many believers and also many skeptics talk about crystals. Those skeptics that tried and found that they work, (my family, for example), eventually turned to their old premise that it’s “just a placebo.” Whatever you choose to believe in is totally up to you. In this article we won’t try to convert you to one side or another because crystals have something to offer in either case. Whether you are a crystal connoisseur or a beginner, a believer or a skeptic, we made sure to offer you something interesting to discover about why crystals work and their healing benefits. 

Whether you believe in their energy or not, crystals can offer you many healing benefits. 

For skeptics: 

  • it’s really nice to look, touch and admire them – and who couldn’t do with more beauty in their life?
  • can awaken in us feelings of wonder, awe and fascination – after all, they are a nature’s wonder
  • can be your anchor for whatever quality or feeling you are looking to develop (determination, passion, gratitude, etc.)
  • as marketing experts already know, colors have a powerful effect on the human brain

For believers:

  • protection against negative energies
  • attract love, friendships, abundance and wealth 
  • reduce stress, anxiety and depression
  • induce relaxation and calm
  • clear your aura 
  • bring your chakras into balance
  • helps you connect with a higher wisdom during meditation
Whether you believe in their energy or not, crystals have their healing benefits to offer.
Whether you believe in their energy or not, crystals have their healing benefits to offer.

Why Are People Into Crystals – Our Research

We did a little research on social networks about why people are attracted to crystals. Here are some of the most common answers we got:

  • “Aesthetically, but I am also interested in crystal therapy.”
  • “Crystals, just like people, have their energy and usually, it’s positive or healing or protective, depending on the crystal.”
  • “I believe in the energy and vibrations they carry. I can simply feel it. And when we add their beauty to that, the mystery under which they hide, and the enthusiasm when we discover them, and when they shine in the most beautiful shapes and colors, it’s priceless!”
  • “I love them. For too many reasons.”
Our Facebook research on why people like crystals.
Our Facebook research on why people like crystals.

So both arguments, aesthetics and energy, were pretty much equally present. 

We also asked 2 crystal therapists about this:

Ljubisa Tosin, who is a crystal therapist, Reiki grand master teacher, energy therapist of bio-scalar waves and a dowser, said: “I believe it starts out of curiosity, and later, when they feel the energy of the crystals, people get amazed. Some try because they heard it helped others, or they tried different healing modalities which didn’t work for them so they turned to crystals.”

Vikki Gadd, who has been a full-time crystal therapist for the last 22 years, said that most people who come to her want to work with anxiety, stress, love, and conceiving. They have become lost in the heaviness and struggle of life and are looking for a way out. 

Now, let’s look into why crystals work for both the skeptics and those who believe in crystals’ energy.

Many turn to healing crystals for their benefits because they have become lost in the heaviness and struggle of life and are looking for a way out. 
Many turn to healing crystals for their benefits because they have become lost in the heaviness and struggle of life and are looking for a way out. 

For Skeptics: Crystals Bring You Back to the Present Moment

There is something about the experience of observing a nature-made object so intricate and fascinating in its structure and tangible and vibrant in its colors. It can leave quite an impression on the observer. It can awaken the observer to the beauty and joy of the present moment. And there’s plenty of research studying the health benefits of living in the present moment, i.e. mindfulness. The very existence of so many mindfulness-based stress reduction programs out there (even Google has one for their staff) attests to this.

For Skeptics: Crystals Can Make You Feel All Sorts of Pleasant Emotions

Crystals, if aesthetically appealing, can induce in us feelings of awe, wonder and fascination. Think of a kid when you show them a magic trick. These feelings truly are powerful. They save us from complacency and taking things for granted. They help us feel more alive when we are stuck in a rut. For many, traveling and nature do this. For others, crystals do. As conservationist Rachel Carson explained “Those who dwell…among the beauties and mysteries of the Earth are never alone or weary of life.”


Try the following 2-minute exercise with me. Two minutes, that’s all it takes. Feel free to set an alarm for this. 

  1. Close your eyes, breathe a bit and then set an intention to remain open and curious for the next 1 or 2 minutes. 
  2. Watch the video of this crystal.
  3. Imagine touching and feeling the transparency of these ones.

What thoughts and feelings did arise? 

If nothing much happened, try meditating for longer and try again next time. 

I tried this with my father (a skeptic), and gave him a big crystal to hold. He looked at it for a few moments in silence, and then said “I am fascinated that someone managed to sell this rock for 20 dollars.” I replied: “See dad, you are feeling fascination! It worked!”

Crystals can be your source of awe, wonder and fascination - you just need to observe them.
Crystals can be your source of awe, wonder and fascination – you just need to observe them.

For Skeptics: Crystals Can Help You Develop Feelings and Qualities You Long For

The one feeling that neuroscientists have been raving about the most is gratitude. It is associated with fewer symptoms of illnesses, a more optimistic approach to life and greater resilience. How good is that? What if we could consciously anchor ourselves in this feeling? Could you imagine the impact this would have on our lives? 

Actually, crystals can induce any other feelings or qualities you’d like. They are your tactile and visual reminders for whatever you need them to be. For example, a crystal can be your anchor for determination, passion, self-esteem and anything else you’d like to develop.

What matters here is that you are clear on what inner quality you want to develop. Your need to state your resolution with sincere faith and strong resolution. This will strengthen the effect of the resolution on the unconscious mind. 

And, as we already discussed in our article on why hypnotherapy is so effective and powerful –  our unconscious mind pretty much runs the show of our lives. That’s why our awareness of ourselves is often limited and why, no matter how much we talk about a problem, nothing really changes and we end up repeating the same mistakes. The unconscious mind needs to be reprogrammed. 


  1. Pick a crystal or any other object of your choice. 
  2. While holding it, do the HEAL meditation technique, which we described in our mindfulness and meditation for special needs parents blog here
  3. After that, keep your crystal/object close to you to serve as a reminder of what it is that you are working on to bring into your life. 

And remember, nothing woo-woo here, just plain neuroscience at work. The person who developed the HEAL meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson, is a psychologist and a New York Times best-selling author. 

Use crystals when you meditate to boost the healing benefits of meditation.
Use crystals when you meditate to boost the healing benefits of meditation.

For Skeptics: The Power of Colors

Crystals come in some amazing colors. And the effects of colors should bear some credit in the mind of a skeptical reader – after all, both marketing and interior design people have been using them for decades. We can agree that it’s probably because it proved effective for them. 

Also, neuromarketing has done quite a few studies on the effect colors have on our brains. For example, after unknowingly drinking the same coffee from a blue cup and a red cup, the study participants said that they liked the taste of coffee in the red cup better. Also, they found that using warm colors increases sales and gets employees to work harder. So, if you don’t trust the hippies about the healing benefits of crystals and colors, trust the marketing folks – they know how to get your money.

For Skeptics: Not All Placebo Is Bad

People tend to think that placebo is a bad thing. However, science has been researching the positive effects of placebo for a while now. Here’s what they discovered:

  • It activates the organism’s self-healing properties.
  • Merely expecting something to work can lower your stress levels and calm you down.
  • Placebo can trigger the release of endorphins in your body, brain chemicals which increase pleasure, self-esteem and mood, and reduce pain, depression and anxiety.
  • It helps with self-limiting beliefs.
  • Visualizing or imagining things activates more or less the same brain regions as when the situation actually happens. That’s also why affirmations work. 

For Believers: How Crystals Work

The human body has its biomagnetic field which we call aura. It’s composed of 7 layers and serves as a protection of the physical body. These layers are physical, emotional, mental, astral, etheric, celestial and causal. Inside the aura, all the information concerning the physical, emotional and spiritual person’s state are contained. Energy constantly circulates through the aura in its perfect natural balance. When this natural balance is disturbed in one of the aura’s layers and the energy can’t flow, psychomental and physical disturbances i.e. illnesses manifest. Causes of disturbances can be many and they come from the outside. These can be electromagnetic smog, stress, a negative environment, inadequate food, pollution, etc. They then proceed to have an impact within the body’s biomagnetic field and, lastly, within the body itself. 

There are seven main energy centers (chakras) on the human body. Their function is to connect the energy of the physical body with the aura. They are located in front of the spine and are connected with the glands. Each one of these centers has their own vibration which responds to the vibration of the colors of the rainbow. For this reason, crystals of certain colors match each chakra. By placing crystals on the chakra points or individual organs, we can restore the energy balance. 

Simply put, crystals are refreshing to look at.
Simply put, crystals are refreshing to look at.

Working With Crystals – A Guide for Beginners

Read more to find out:

  • how to choose your crystal(s) depending on what you need
  • precautions about choosing crystals on your own
  • how to clean them
  • the best way to program them
  • how to use them
  • how to do a session with a professional
  • some tips for advanced users

How to Choose Healing Crystals for the Right Benefits

Ljubisa T explained to us how to decide on the right crystals for their healing benefits: “The best thing is to listen to your intuition. Choose it because it makes you feel good, and because it attracts you and you feel a connection to it. Instead of analyzing what you need, why you need it, and why it will be useful to you, simply choose from the heart. Surrender yourself to experiences, learning and growth it may bring you. This may include some triggers and uncomfortable moments because in order to grow, we need to step out of our comfort zone. Crystals will instigate growth which may get you to face certain things that might not make you feel comfortable.” And Vikki Gadd suggested starting with just three crystals so you don’t get overwhelmed. 

For their optimal healing benefits, start with just three crystals so you don't get overwhelmed.
For their optimal healing benefits, start with just three crystals so you don’t get overwhelmed.

Crystals for anxiety and stress: Jade, Amethyst, Lepidolite, Howlite, Amber, Rose Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Black Tourmaline, Sodalite, Selenite, Citrine, Smoky Quartz, Red Jasper, Rhodonite, Moonstone, Celestite. Ideally, place them next to you on your body while you practice this 10 minute long anti-stress Yoga Nidra relaxation we made for you. 

Love: Rose Quartz, Pink Kunzite, Rodonite, Amethyst, Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, Agate, Garnet, Moonstone, Ruby, Malachite, Citrine, Obsidian, Carnelian

Money and wealth: Pyrite, Citrine, Green Aventurine, Green Jade, Malachite, Tiger’s Eye, Peridot, Amazonite, Clear Quartz

Protection and clearing negative energies: Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Clear Quartz, Selenite, Amethyst, Amber, Blue Calcite, Ruby, Citrine, Pyrite.

Healing Crystals and the Chakras

We will briefly present you with characteristics associated with each chakra and which crystals can help with bringing these into balance. However, there are a few words of precaution about this. Please check them further in the article.

Crystals for the Root Chakra

When ungrounded, people can have many fears, insecurities and feel apologetic for even existing. These crystals help you feel safe in the physical world. They ground you to the present moment. The crystals for the root chakra come in black, brown and red colors – the colors of the ground. The most common ones are Hematite, Black Obsidian, Bloodstone, Red jasper, Carnelian, and Black Tourmaline. 

Healing crystals for grounding benefits come in colors of the soil.
Healing crystals for grounding benefits come in colors of the soil.

Crystals for the Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is associated with sexuality, pleasures, creativity and connecting with others. We wrote more about it in our article on healthy sexuality – when not in balance, it can lead to frigidity or hypersexuality, being too emotional or codependent. Crystals that help to bring this chakra into balance are usually of orange color: Carnelian, Citrine, Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Amber. 

Crystals for the Solar Plexus Chakra

This chakra is all about how we see ourselves, our ego, and self-esteem. To learn more about how you can develop a healthy dose of self-esteem, please check out this article. Also, perhaps look into the difference between the good and bad ego and what makes a healthy ego here. Crystals for this chakra come in yellow color: Citrine, Calcite, Tiger’s Eye, Pyrite, Yellow Topaz, and Yellow Jasper.

Crystals for the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is linked to feeling love, compassion and joy to the world around you. If you don’t find yourself able to do this, consider working on it with the help of the following pink and green stones: Rose Quartz, Emerald, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite, Amazonite, Green Jade, Malachite, Green Moldavite. 

Emerald helps you bring love, compassion and joy into your life.
Emerald helps you bring love, compassion and joy into your life.

Crystals for the Throat Chakra

Those with a developed throat chakra are good at communication, self-expression and speaking their personal truth. When blocked, it can also lead to problems with the thyroid gland. To bring about this chakra’s healing, light and vivid blue crystals such as Aquamarine, Sodalite, Angelite, Blue Chalcedony, and Blue Calcite will have the greatest benefits.

Crystals for the Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is connected with intuition, openness and imagination. To work on developing these more, use purple and dark blue crystals: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Sodalite, Purple Fluorite, Moonstone and Turquoise. 

Crystals for the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the most spiritual chakra of all. It governs your connection to universal consciousness, wisdom and self-knowledge. Its color is violet and crystals to use are Amethyst, Quartz, Selenite, Moonstone, White Calcite and many more. 

Emerald helps you bring love, compassion and joy into your life.
Angel Quartz helps you connect with universal consciousness.

Precautions for Choosing Healing Crystals On Your Own

Ljubisa T: “Our brain is constantly processing information we give it. When we bring something new to our energy field, our brain will try to find something to which it can relate this experience. If, for example, we take rose quartz and give it to someone who has had a good life, this person will be able to perceive their interaction with the crystal as love and comfort. If, however, we give it to a person who has experienced abandonment, loneliness and despair, they might not be able to feel any of the crystal’s energy because the brain can’t relate it to anything. Also, they might feel uncomfortable in the face of the brain’s inability to find similar experiences. This may trigger something painful in them and open a wound that they are not ready for. That’s why one should be cautious when choosing a crystal for themselves and others. 

Those who are not well informed about crystal therapy should avoid doing it on their own because they may inadequately increase or decrease the frequency of a specific chakra. As I said before, one and the same crystal can have completely different effects on two different people.”

So, let’s say you are a fiery person. You are quick to lash out and prone to aggression in conflicts. In that case, the last thing you need is more fire. You would need crystals that can stabilize your fire. Depending on the state of your other chakras, perhaps you could do with more grounding, calmness, intuition or love. And that’s why it would be best if a crystal therapist did the work of choosing the crystal that’s right for you.

Another case when you should consider reaching out to a crystal therapist is when you feel so low that it feels impossible to think positively and believe in pretty much anything, crystals included. When negative beliefs, cynicism and doubt creep in, it’s very likely that you won’t know whether crystals really are helping you. In such cases, it means a lot to get someone to clear and balance your energy before you start using crystals on your own.

Crystals are the wonders of nature.
Crystals are the wonders of nature.

How to Clean Your Crystals

Crystals pick up on all sorts of energies so make sure to clean them once they come into your possession. Remember to clean your crystals on a regular basis – once a month or every two weeks. You should also clean them if you’ve been going through a particularly difficult period or if you simply feel that they are not doing much for you – because perhaps they are already full.

Cleaning depends on the crystals’ properties. Some do not tolerate water or direct exposure to the sun. So make sure to double check which way is best for your crystals:

  • Use running water. Place your crystals in a stream or under a faucet. Do this for each crystal for 1-2 minutes. 
  • Keep them under the sun or moonlight for 12 hours. Bring them out before nightfall and bring them in before 11 A.M.
  • Smudge them with sage or palo santo. Do this 30-60 seconds per each crystal. 
  • Bury them in the ground and leave them there for 24 hours. If you live in an apartment, you can bury them in a plant vase. 
  • Find Tibetan singing bowls or high vibrational music online and play it for 5-10 minutes. This is useful for anyone who has lots of crystals because you can clean them all at the same time. 
  • Sing the Om mantra to them
  • Put them in a glass filled with sea salt. 
  • Use visualization. Hold them in your hands, close your eyes, and imagine cleansing light washing over it.
  • Some crystals such as clear quartz and hematite can clean others crystals. Make sure that they are big enough or, if they are smaller, that you have more of them.

How to Program Your Crystals

The next thing you need to do is program your crystal, i.e. set an intention for it. The crystal needs a task. You need to tell it what it should do for you. The best is to program it right after cleaning it:

  1. Meditate for a bit to calm down. 
  2. Then, place the crystal in your left hand.
  3. say
  4. Say quietly in your heart or out loud that you dedicate this crystal to the highest good of all.
  5. Then say what you want your crystal to do. Repeat this a few times. As you do this, visualize and feel how it would be for you if your intention became a reality. 
  6. End the programing with the phrase: “And so it is.”
  7. Thank your crystal(s).
  8. Carry them with you wherever you go so that you connect better. 
Let your crystal back in the sunlight to absorb energy.
Let your crystal back in the sunlight to absorb energy.

How to Use Them

Vikki: “We often give away our power and intuition when it comes to using crystals, and go on the internet instead for advice. The crystal will tell you all you need to know. Just trust and listen.”

Ljubisa added: “You can wear your crystals as jewelry, carry them around in a pocket, or keep them in your home in certain places.” For example, I placed my Morion crystal in the entry of my yard because I wanted it to protect my family and home. However, I haven’t been able to find where I left it. This is another reminder why you should be mindful and present when working with your crystals.

Other ways to use them:

  • Place it under your pillow, in particular Hematite, to help you ground, settle and feel safe. (Vikki Gadd)
  • Pop one in your bra, especially Rose quartz for love. (Vikki Gadd)
  • It can be your amulet or a lucky charm. (Ljubisa Tosin)
  • Meditate while holding them in your hands or placing them on your body.
  • Talk to them. Sounds a bit crazy, but why not? Treat them as your friends and see what comes out. 
For best healing benefits, treat your crystals as your friends.
For best healing benefits, treat your crystals as your friends.

How to Use Crystals – For Advanced Users

More advanced users can play around with rarer types of crystals, the ones that not everybody knows about. I personally take great delight in discovering these. Though, be cautious about their toxic properties, as some of them are actually poisonous. Malachite, for example, my favorite at the time, turned out to have some toxic properties. It should not be kept indoors if it is in its raw form. And I was wondering why my hands begin to itch when I play with it!

Other options for more advanced users are making crystal grids and elixirs. Also, there is crystal alchemy. For this I suggest contacting one of our crystal therapy professionals (see their contact info below).

How to Do a Session With an Expert

Just like we mentioned in our sound healing article here too safety and trust in the therapist are crucial. If you don’t feel comfortable with the person doing it, your mind and body probably won’t relax and you won’t be able to receive all the therapeutic benefits. 

(Read here why this ancient practice of sound healing is gaining popularity and the actual science behind it. Also, you can discover more about the types, benefits, how to do it by yourself or with an expert.)

You should be able to talk to your crystal therapist, and ask them anything you want to know beforehand. Perhaps there are particular areas of your being you want to work on – physical, emotional or spiritual. And perhaps there are too many things to work on. In that case, it’s good to be able to lean on the therapist’s intuition and wisdom and believe that they are doing what’s best for you. You may decide for a one off session for a bit of relaxation, or you may agree on several sessions to work with a particular issue. 

Once you are comfortable on the treatment table, the therapist will place crystals on or around you. Which crystals the therapist will choose to use depends on what you spoke about, and their own inner guidance. There is usually a master crystal which charges the other crystals. After they are charged, the crystals are left to do their work. 

Get creative and playful about how you want to use your crystals.
Get creative and playful about how you want to use your crystals.

Are There Cases When Crystal Therapy Doesn’t Have an Effect?

Ljubisa Tosin: “There are no such cases. Crystals have their frequencies and their corresponding healing benefits. They bring the human organism to that frequency regardless of whether someone believes in it or not. Every crystal has its purpose and affects the recipient.”

Vikki Gadd: “If they block the energies with fear and negative beliefs. Even then an effect has happened as it’s an energy exchange whether you believe in it or not.”

Conclusion: For Maximum Healing Benefits, Approach Crystals with an Open Mind and a Humble Heart

A friend of mine once wrote on her Facebook feed: “You can’t possibly think that something doesn’t exist just because you haven’t experienced it.” Sometimes we need to be big enough to admit that we just don’t know. Energy or not, crystals can be a nice thing to play around with. In my experience, the benefits of healing with crystals are the greatest if you approach them with an open and inquisitive mind, a humble heart and a clear intention. And as with everything else, make sure not to half-ass the process. If you’re going to do it, really do it. Dedicate time in your day to your crystal healing routine. Clean and program them regularly. This act of care alone can give you a sense of purpose.

An open heart and a curious mind go a long way.
An open heart and a curious mind go a long way.

Our Contributors:

Ljubisa Tosin is a crystal therapist, Reiki grand master teacher, energy therapist of bio-scalar waves and a dowser. In his energy therapy work, he combines several energies he works with –  from relaxing therapies for healthy people to preempt possible energy disbalances, and cases when the person is in lack of a certain energy to more serious ailments. You can contact him for consultations about crystal alchemy, crystal grids and elixirs via his email: ljubisatosin58@gmail.com.

Vikki Gadd has been working and obsessing with crystals since she was five. She has been working full-time as a crystal energy therapist for the last 22 years. Vikki specializes in tethering people back into their souls, and removing old cords and entities within people’s auras. And she also makes bracelets and crystal candles with aromatherapy oils. To learn more about her work and how she can be of service to you, check out her Instagram, her website and her Youtube channel.

Tatjana Glogovac, Senior Contributor At L’Aquila Active

Learn more about Tatjana by reading her bio below.

Click on link below to meet L’Aquila Active’s entire team of experts, including university degrees, certifications, and credentials on yoga and meditation:


Tatjana Glogovac

Tatjana Glogovac is a senior contributor at L’Aquila Active. Tatjana is a writer and educator in mindfulness, emotional intelligence, learning, psychology and self-development. She is a certified yoga and meditation teacher. Her goal is to make yoga and meditation a practical daily tool for everyone looking to find some peace of mind and a healthy physical practice for their bodies. This especially goes for people struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, excessive worrying, overthinking, and other ailments of the modern man. Learn more about Tatjana's university degrees, certifications, and credentials on yoga and meditation - and meet our entire team of experts here: https://laquilaactive.com/blog/meet-our-experts/

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