Want Higher Performance at Work? Try Hypnosis for Success

You might have heard the saying that 90% of our behavior is governed by our subconscious mind. Although the exact percentage is unsure, researchers definitely agree that our subconscious mind runs the show. This is one of the reasons why traditional psychotherapies aren’t always so effective and sometimes take years to make any tangible progress. Our subconscious mind is elusive and powerful. And many things hiding in there that prevent you from achieving success at work and life are easiest to access through hypnosis.

Numerous C-level business executives are now using hypnosis to achieve success at work because:

  • hypnosis can access and change the deeply stored traumas, reactions and limiting beliefs otherwise unavailable to the conscious mind
  • it can successfully address issues such as performance anxiety, burnout, communication, decision making, focus, goal setting, innovation, creativity, time management and much more
  • the results are usually obtained much faster than with traditional psychotherapies (and let’s be honest, most of us really like fast results)
  • it’s safe as long as you do it with a verified professional
Hypnosis is a quick and painless way to remove obstacles to achieving success at work.
Hypnosis is a quick and painless way to remove obstacles to achieving success at work.

Obstacles to Achieving Success at Work And How Hypnosis Can Help

When it comes to work performance, there are many things that might be preventing you from being where you want to be. Some of them are:

  • Procrastination
  • Poor time management skills
  • Burnout
  • Poor communications skills
  • Performance anxiety
  • Speech anxiety
  • Perfectionism
  • Focus
  • Goal setting
  • Self-confidence
  • Setting boundaries
  • Decision making skills
  • Conflict resolution skills
  • Lack of innovation and creativity

Today we look into how hypnosis can help with these and other challenges you might have when it comes to success at work. 

Because of the movies, there are a lot of misconceptions about hypnosis. (No, it can’t make you think you are a chicken.) So, we interviewed 2 experts to tell us more about what hypnosis is and what it isn’t, how it can help you reach success at work, and how to do it by yourself or with an expert. 

Morgan Lulu is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) past life regression specialist, Certified HypnoFit Practitioner, and was awarded as a “Top Hypno-Coach of 2021” by the Coaching Foundation. 

Yogesh Choudhary helped introduce Clinical Hypnotherapy in India. He has been practicing hypnosis for 20 years now. His practice helped him discover many new tools for uncovering the causes of conditions and illnesses. He is 80 now and has thoroughly enjoyed this space for being useful to his fellow human beings.

Here’s what they said:

What Is and What Is Not Hypnosis?

Ms. Lulu:

Hypnosis is a highly focused mental state, with a reduced peripheral awareness, and an induced heightened state of suggestibility. The interesting thing about hypnosis is that everyone experiences hypnosis…multiple times a day. Just as we fall asleep at night, and just as we awaken, our brains are in a theta-state. This can be reproduced by reading a great book, being entranced by a movie, or within deep meditation or prayer. Or perhaps you drove to work today and when you arrived, didn’t remember driving there? EEK.

Hypnosis is very natural and normal. It has been around, from my perception, since the beginning of human civilization. From shamanic drumming circles, to fire gazing, to the healing and dream temples in Ancient Egypt and Greece. I feel it is very innate for the human species to experience and to desire alternate states of awareness. 

Hypnosis is NOT a form of mind control, a loss of consciousness, a way to get someone to share their secrets, or any form of manipulation. Quite the opposite! When someone is in a state of hypnosis, they are actually very much aware, even more so connected to their understanding of self, and are keenly focused. Any sort of foul-play would naturally awaken the person! Hypnosis also doesn’t necessarily mean relaxation or the practitioner telling you to ‘go to sleep.’ It can be exciting, invigorating, exploratory, and enjoyable in different ways.

Hypnosis is natural, normal and has been around since the beginning of human civilization.
Hypnosis is natural, normal and has been around since the beginning of human civilization.

Mr. Choudhary:

Hypnosis is an altered state of mind. It is that state of the mind when the control that the conscious mind constantly exercises to protect you is transferred to the subconscious. This can be done in many ways and processes. The person under hypnosis is awake and aware of everything during the hypnotic trance. Hypnosis is not unconsciousness.

In Your Experience, What Are Common Reasons People Have Difficulty Succeeding at Work?

Ms. Lulu:

The most common reasons people may have difficulty “succeeding” (everyone will have a different definition of what success means for them) at work may be due to not having enough information to make informed decisions or a lack of skill for particular tasks. No need to take it personally, you just need more information or more practice.

Other reasons may be insecurity, lack of confidence, boredom, lack of positive reinforcement, unenjoyable work environment, not paid enough, or a job that may not be ‘fulfilling.’ Honestly, I can think of a million reasons why someone might not be succeeding at work (especially within the modern capitalism system but that’s another discussion). 

Humans are also at a disadvantage due to our evolution. Our brains are naturally disposed to be on high alert for anything that may be deadly, harmful, cause discomfort, or ostracize them from the group. We have our ancestors to thank for all the years of trying things out that led to ‘negative’ outcomes. In our modern world, our brain is still on high alert even if there isn’t a lion chasing us. We may be chased by the ticking of the clock, or by looking at our bank account, or a disagreement with someone we love. These things are still stressful and create reasons to avoid them. 

Why people might have difficulty with hypnosis success:

The most common reason is an underlying subconscious or conscious desire of not wanting the change. It may sound strange, but certain ailments, conditions, and mindsets may actually provide a form of benefit. For example, a person who struggles with anxiety may have become so hyper-focused on anxiety (becoming an anxiety expert, if you may) that it has become part of their personality, ego, and identity. 

(We wrote a separate article on how to heal and ease your pain and discomfort from anxiety here. If you are one of the millions people struggling this state, take a look at that article. Also, what helps a lot to combat stress and anxiety is stimulation of the Vagus nerve, the longest craniosacral nerve in our body, so head over to this post to understand how you can stimulate it.)

For others, it is the simple fact that choosing familiarity is more comfortable. Even if it’s an “undesired” state, the thought of changing is more uncomfortable, and even scary. So they ultimately choose to keep the “undesired” state because it’s what they know best.

From a spiritual-yogi-hypnotherapist point of view: We can create our reality. If we are focused on what seems ‘negative,’ we will see more ‘negative.’ In order to create a more positive growth-mindset, we have to seek out the ‘good.’ Every 1 negative thought is equal to 5 positive thoughts. That’s why cultivating awareness, gratitude, and self-compassion are so important. A positive mind can lead to a more resilient human. 

Do your prefer those mind states that are good for you or the ones that you will familiar with?
Do your prefer those mind states that are good for you or the ones that you will familiar with?

Mr. Choudhary

That depends on what you consider as ‘success’ at work. There are some words people use, like achievement, success, growth, etc. in their workplace. Each word used by people in their place of work has a mindset of the individual attached to it. A person may even have a goal perceived by him with the word. 

The difficulty arises because they do not examine or evaluate their capability and capacity in the role they are in the organization. Neither do they define their responsibilities that they need to execute in their role. Without examining their capability and capacity, they keep doing their work, and most of the time they do not meet the expectation of their boss or even their own expectations. Thus the gap between their expectations and performance.

How Can Hypnosis Help With These?

Ms. Lulu:

Great question! Hypnosis is so wonderful on so many levels. Hypnosis can help to amplify confidence, self-esteem, self-compassion, creating a growth and/or positive mindset, develop courage (perhaps to seek a new job or ask for the raise you deserve), grow patience, compassion for others, heighten creativity, learn faster, develop focus, motivation, discipline, and so much more. 

I call it “taking the new mindset for a spin.” This enables the client to experience the changed behavior or thinking pattern with visualization. The body doesn’t know that what is being imagined isn’t real. We can play out different scenarios that might be new for someone hesitant to change. In these scenarios we can provide positive suggestions that make it easier, so they feel in control, empowered, and can practice it over and over again. So when the time comes to actually implement taking a step into something new, it’s not so unfamiliar-you’ve experienced it many times! Hypnosis is a powerful, easy to implement, enjoyable experience that can be done from the comfort of your own home (remotely with a practitioner or by listening to a recording), or in person with the gentle guidance of a practitioner. 

Mr. Choudhary:

Hypnosis helps a person on many levels:

  • Release of ‘negative’ states, thoughts and emotions such as pride, ego, competitive feelings, criticism, finding faults, blaming others, etc.
  • Encouraging learning, becoming friendly, helpful, cooperative, supportive, etc.
  • Many tools of classical hypnotherapy can help, such as desensitization, hypno-drama, suggestions, etc.
Hypnosis helps achieve success at work by releasing ‘negative’ states, thoughts and emotions.
Hypnosis helps achieve success at work by releasing ‘negative’ states, thoughts and emotions.

How to Do Hypnosis by Yourself?

Ms. Lulu:

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis! To induce easy self-hypnosis, have in mind one positive suggestion or change you would like to make.

  1. Find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed, and close your eyes (this reduces the peripheral stimulation allowing you to go inward).
  2. Imagine a favorite place where you feel relaxed (real or imagined). 
  3. Really submerge yourself in the scene-what are the sights, sounds, what does it feel like.
  4. By amplifying the imagination with visuals and emotion we can activate the transfer from conscious mind focus to subconscious mind focus just like in a dream.
  5. When you are fully into this scene, call to mind the positive suggestion or desired change. 
  6. Say it in your mind as if it were in the present, “I am” statements.
  7. Here you can take the suggestion or desired change for a ‘spin!’ If it’s a new thing for you, you can explore what it feels like. And if it’s a state of mind, try it on, and take it to places you may need it. If it’s an action or behavioral change you desire, you can imagine yourself doing the action. It’s your creation. 
  8. When it feels more comfortable, and not so unfamiliar, you can count yourself back up with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
  9. Coming back into the room, wiggle your fingers and toes, or rub your hands together, then flicker your eyes open.

If you’re just starting out, I’d recommend recording your own voice with a gentle progressive relaxation, a deepener (counting down from 20-1; walking down stairs), then guided imagery inserting your positive ‘I am’ statements, followed by counting up/awakening. 

You can also google a self-hypnosis script, make it specific to you, and record it on your phone. 

Mr. Choudhary:

My experience is that self-hypnosis is a shallow tool, and can take care of minor things. Every deeper process requires hetero-hypnosis (another person). The experience of the hypnotherapist is critical in helping people.

Mr. Choudhary: "The experience of the hypnotherapist is critical in helping people."
Mr. Choudhary: “The experience of the hypnotherapist is critical in helping people.”

How to Do It With an Expert?

Ms. Lulu:

If you are interested in experiencing hypnosis with a professional to help your reach success at work, you can search for ‘certified clinical hypnotherapists’ in your area or ask friends if they know of someone they have had a good experience with. 

Get To Know Your Hypnotherapist

Once you have located a professional, you should be able to ask them questions about their background, education, training, their specialization, describe their successes and also the times they were unable to hypnotize someone (not everyone can be hypnotized by someone else).

What is of utmost importance is that:

  • you have a chance to talk with them
  • get to know them
  • they ask you important questions about your goals
  • and they are able to explain a plan to get you there.

Use your intuitive wisdom to feel who is in an energetic alignment with you and your goals. You should feel comfortable with them. If you don’t, don’t expect hypnosis to work. You need to be able to relax and feel safe.  

How the Process Works

Depending on if you are in-person with a practitioner or via remotely (Zoom is amazing), the process is exactly the same. Some even feel remote sessions are more successful because they are more comfortable in their own space. Most common sessions will begin with a progressive relaxation induction, followed by a counting down. You will hear positive suggestions that are specific to you. You may move through various scenes where the practitioner will guide you to heighten the visuals, the feel good emotions, and the symbolism (all part of the language of the subconscious mind). Then they will bring you back gently into the room. 

Most often people experience time distortion where it felt like a few minutes and was actually much longer. Very rarely do people not remember anything, which often leads them into thinking it didn’t work. Hypnosis is subtle, you most likely will remember a lot, but perhaps not everything. You will awaken feeling refreshed, relaxed, clear, calm, happy and generally feeling amazing! 

Mr. Choudhary:

The expert will first listen to your concerns. They will ask you to define the real nature of issues and problems you experience. They will ask you to elaborate on where you get blocked and are unable to proceed in being able to carry out the work assigned to you with defined objectives of completion in the time frame defined for you without causing unnecessary stress.

Another option for those struggling with stress is to try Yoga Nidra – in this article we’ve included a 10 minute guided Yoga Nidra session created by one of our yoga teachers. Try it out for yourself – it could be your new remedy to fighting stress. And it’s great because you can do it any time, any place – all you need to do is just find a place to lie down. Also, you can always play some nice Indian Yoga music for meditation and stress.

Then they will hypnotize you. They will take you to an event in mind under hypnosis, where you feel the issue/problem is, and then work with the solution that you may have discussed with them. Or they will address it according to their own experience. The client should have trust in the hypnotherapist and allow the processes to happen. There are many ways a hypnotherapist can handle a situation. The therapist can carry the client along with him to help the client. Nothing is done to create any doubt in the client seeking help.

Conclusion: If You’re Not Too Eager to Spend Years in Therapy, Perhaps Hypnosis Is a Better Option

We all experience obstacles on our way and the roots of some of them are beyond our conscious reasoning. That doesn’t mean you should accept defeat. If there is something that’s been holding you back from achieving the success at work you dream of, and everything else you tried didn’t yield the desired results, perhaps it’s time to try hypnosis. If it works for C level executives, it might work for you too? Worth a try.

If you’re not too eager to spend years in therapy, consider trying hypnosis to achieve the work success you desire.
If you’re not too eager to spend years in therapy, consider trying hypnosis to achieve the work success you desire.

About Our Contributors

Morgan Lulu is a Hypno-Coach and here to support you as you design a limitless mind. She helps you dissolve limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and together, design and strengthen a new mindset utilizing hypnosis, coaching, meditation, and sacred support. Morgan Lulu enjoys working with clients that range from spiritually in-tune shamans, psychics, and mediums, to professional extreme sports athletes. She enjoys applying modern neuroscience, ancient spiritual teachings, and hypnosis technologies to empower her clients to deepen their connection to their innate wisdom. You can contact her via Instagram or her website

Yogesh Choudhary is the Director of the Indian Institute of Hypnotherapy. He is a member of The American Hypnosis Association and of International Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy, and also Associate Member of The Indian Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnotherapy. Mr Choundhary currently teaches all courses of California Hypnosis Institute, Irvine, U. S. A., which are approved by the American Hypnosis Association. He has developed his own methods to determine real causes of disease and bring about healing. You can reach him via his website.

Tatjana Glogovac, Senior Contributor At L’Aquila Active

Learn more about Tatjana by reading her bio below.

Click on link below to meet L’Aquila Active’s entire team of experts, including university degrees, certifications, and credentials on yoga and meditation:


Tatjana Glogovac

Tatjana Glogovac is a senior contributor at L’Aquila Active. Tatjana is a writer and educator in mindfulness, emotional intelligence, learning, psychology and self-development. She is a certified yoga and meditation teacher. Her goal is to make yoga and meditation a practical daily tool for everyone looking to find some peace of mind and a healthy physical practice for their bodies. This especially goes for people struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, excessive worrying, overthinking, and other ailments of the modern man. Learn more about Tatjana's university degrees, certifications, and credentials on yoga and meditation - and meet our entire team of experts here: https://laquilaactive.com/blog/meet-our-experts/

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