Time to Look Into the Real Science Behind Chakras!

What is the real science behind chakras?  Is it all hippie feelings of love and peace peppered in with interchangeable yoga poses, generic oils, and magic crystals? In a world riddled with misinformation, or worse, disinformation, it is important for us to know the truth.  Could it be just another placebo effect for those who desperately want to feel something? Or confirmation bias for those who already believe?

It appears that it’s best to treat most scientific data behind chakras, Chi and other Eastern traditions holistically. “Opening and balancing of chakras” can be understood metaphorically to the overall health of the central nervous system (CNS) and endocrine system. This follows logically as the location of all seven chakras is on the spine. And the spinal cord is the pathway for messages the brain sends to the body and vice versa. Similarly, Prana, Chi, or universal energy that flows through the chakras is bio-electrical neural energy and signaling networks that flow throughout our nervous system, especially along the spine. 

Throughout this post, we will discuss the tangible, data driven, and research backed science behind chakras.

And if you want to learn even more about the science on how yoga and meditation work, check this article.

Brainwave studies have much to say about how these practice can help us calm down and let go of anxiety.

Also, we wrote more about the connection between the chakras and the endocrine system here.

We WILL discuss confirmation bias alongside new discoveries and branches of science that are just beginning to gain public awareness and credibility. Some of these are resonance theory, energy medicine, subtle energy, and integral physiology.

Spoiler alert: whether you’re a skeptical, analytical scientist or an inviting, intuitive dreamer, it’s not quite what you expect. 

What Is a Chakra?

The science behind chakras exists but is limited.
The science behind chakras exists but is limited.

The word “chakra” means “wheel” in Sanskrit. Chakras are energy centers for the free-flowing wheels of energy that moves freely in the body along the spine. There are seven chakras. They run along our spine from our tailbone all the way up to the top of our head. A chakra can become blocked, which slows the energy wheel. Or it can become overactive which causes the energy to flow too fast. 

One of the primary ways to unblock chakras is through yoga, meditation, and diet. Other options are essential oils and crystals. They are believed to work together cumulatively and holistically to balance each chakra. And they are also thought to bring the body and mind back to equilibrium.

The Location, Purpose and Color of each Chakra

Here’s a quick recap of the chakras from a previous article. In that article you can gain a more detailed knowledge about each chakra, their origins and meaning.

Starting from the bottom of the spine at the tailbone upwards, they are:

1) root chakra is located at the base of the spine. It’s the basis for our general well-being and being centered, and grounded (its color is red).

2) sacral chakra is about two inches below the navel. It’s linked with connection and sexuality. It’s color is orange.

3) solar plexus chakra is in the stomach area. This chakra is related to self-worth, self-esteem, and confidence (color yellow).

 4) heart chakra is in the middle of the chest. It is responsible for feelings of joy, love, compassion, and empathy (color green).

5) throat chakra is in and around the throat. It’s responsible for communication. And also for listening to other people, animals, nature, and especially to your own gut, intuition, and higher self (color blue).

 6) third eye chakra is directly in the middle of the forehead. It represents the pineal gland and its association with visualizations, dreaming, higher consciousness, perception, and oneness (color indigo).

We wrote about it in more detail and 10 ways to open it here.

7) crown chakra is at the crown and above the head. It’s responsible for inner wisdom, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment (associated with the colors deep purple or white).

To learn more about all the yoga poses, mudras, meditations, etc. that can open it, read this article.

Human Electromagnetic Fields and Subtle Energy

Now that we have identified and grasped a basic understanding of chakras, we can talk about the real science behind chakras. To be clear, it is still an emerging science and there’s a lot we don’t know. 

One the primary goals here is to differentiate the pseudoscience with what we do know – the peer reviewed and measurable scientific data.   

The first problem skeptics will have is the use of the word “energy” in reference to the human body, and specifically in regard to chakras.  It is very similar to the word “natural” or “toxin”. It can be highly vague, ambiguous, or even intentionally misleading. 

Let’s start with electrical energy in the body. It has been known and measured for over 100 years with the invention of the electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) in 1895. As a whole, the body is electrical, and the nervous system and our brains are largely electro-chemical machines.  Water is an excellent electric conductor, and the human body is 70% water. 

What’s an even better conductor of electricity than water? Blood! In fact, each heartbeat creates an electrical pulse throughout the entire circulatory system. 

Electricity and magnetism are strongly connected, and electrons in motion create magnetism.  Similarly, spinning magnets create and electric current. 

The interaction of electricity and magnetism creates an electromagnetic field in, and around the body that is measurable. 

However, there is not just ONE  electromagnetic field from the heart and circulatory system.

Here’s the crazy part: every organ, and every human cell, has its own electromagnetic field. 

Collectively, they form a human electromagnetic field which is measurable.

Human Electromagnetic Fields, Human Energy Fields, Chi, And Prana

Although the presence of a human electromagnetic field is indisputable, its function and applications are debatable.

Some see it as merely the resulting electromagnetic waves and radiation given off by humans as a byproduct of normal organ and bodily system functioning. Others believe the human electromagnetic field is one component of something larger, a human energy field or as a biofield.

A human energy field, or biofield, has historically been a bit ambiguous in terms of a Western scientific explanation. 

However, Chinese medical tradition has best explained it as “Chi” or “universal energy.”  When Chi enters the body, it becomes bio-electrical. 

Universal Energy Arts explains that “Chi, (Qi or Ki) is the energy of life itself… A balance of Yin and Yang, positive and negative.” It is “electromagnetic energy which flows through everything in creation. So Chi can possibly be described as an electromagnetic phenomenon”. It can be a “form of light energy… bio-electromagnetic energy or electricity.”

Do you see the correlation between the Eastern traditions of Chi and Yoga? Both ancient disciplines refer to the same “universal life force”. It is electromagnetic in nature and must be energetically balanced.  Many yogic traditions, this energy simply call Prana instead of Chi.

Subtle Energy, Integral Physiology, and Energy Medicine

Integral physiology connects actual science and chakras.
Integral physiology connects actual science and chakras.

What we are still learning about “universal energy” has certainly passed the test of time with centuries of practice in Chi and Yoga traditions, amongst others. It name in Western science is a bit less vague – subtle energy.

In the research paper in National Institute of Health called “The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine,” the authors explain:

“Subtle energy both informs and transcends the faculties of the five senses. It is taken into the body via openings, called chakras.” It’s then “translated into a form of energy that the body can […] literally use, at the cellular level.” Subtle energy is the basis of integral physiology.

Integral physiology is “a medical paradigm that unites the enormous contributions of Western medicine with the profound insights of Eastern systems of health. It makes a truly integral philosophy of healing. Supported by scientific research, integral physiology bridges belief systems and offers a neutral language […] people of myriad backgrounds can use to communicate with one other about experiences that extend outside of known science”

In addition, there REALLY are growing scientific measurement techniques to measure energetic fields inside and around our bodies.  Quantum physics tells us that all cells and bodily systems are constantly in motion. And they are continually striving for balance and homeostasis. Energy medicine (EM) is a branch of integrative medicine that seeks to understand and understand subtle energy through therapeutic techniques.

Energy Medicine and the Future

Historically, Western medicine has focused primarily on the physical components of the body. However, energy medicine is interested in so many other non-physical components that interact with our bodies. Some of them are electromagnetic, sound, and light fields as well as cell voltage.  Collectively, when measured, this creates a tremendous amount of information that provides a picture of our individual human energy field (HEF). It can help treat disease and illness as well as predict and prevent future diseases and illnesses. 

In the research paper in National Institute of Health titled “Energy Medicine: Current Status and Future Perspectives” by Christina L Ross, PHD, she explains,

“The future of EM depends on the ability of allopathic medicine to merge physics with biochemistry. Biophoton emissions as well as signal transduction and cell signaling communication systems are widely accepted in today’s medicine. This technology needs to be expanded to include the existence of the human biofield […].” Then we can “better understand that disturbances in the coherence of energy patterns are indications of disease and aging.

Future perspectives include:

  • understanding cellular voltage potentials and how they relate to health and wellness
  • understanding the overlap between the endocrine and chakra systems
  • and understanding how EM therapeutically enhances psychoneuroimmunology (mind–body) medicine.”

Measuring Subtle Energy and Human Energy Fields

There are a number of techniques and devices to measure subtle energy and human energy fields.  One example is a laboratory and research center called PSY-TEK. It offers non-invasive testing and screening with innovative and frontier devices such as:

  • GDV – Gas Discharge Visualization / Bio-Well
  • Es Tek Complex
  • Medical Thermal Imaging
  • Biophoton system
  • AMI – Apparatus for Meridian Identification
  • Biofeedback (EEG, EMG, HRV, SC, etc.)
  • Water testing devices

Conclusion: Science and the Chakras Can Make It Work

There is REAL science behind chakras, but it’s still incomplete. Some of the details and practices to “open,” “close” or “balance” chakras may not ALL have their basis in measurable science.

Still, the best way to know these practices work it to try them yourself. Check our instructions and practices for unblocking each chakra here.

Also, some yoga and lifestyle practices (oils and healing crystals) to balance chakras may be rooted in little concrete science. And they may be more about personal preference and/or traditions based on a culture, country, or region.

That said, there is a growing body of scientific evidence and emerging scientific fields of study such as energy medicine and integral physiology. They support the existence of universal energy that flows through chakras and is electromagnetic in nature. Moreover, it can be measured through a number of innovative and growing techniques and devices.

While still emerging, the big picture of human electromagnetic fields, energy medicine, subtle energy,  and innovative techniques and devices to measure these fields may one day revolutionize medicine through a better understanding and prevention of illnesses, diseases, and aging.













Shanti Arunkumar, Senior Contributor At L’Aquila Active

Learn more about Shanti by reading her bio below.

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Shanti Arunkumar

Shanti Arunkumar is a senior contributor at L’Aquila Active. Shanti Arunkumar has been practicing yoga as a student since childhood. She has qualified from Shrimath Yoga as a yoga instructor, acquiring the necessary credentials to facilitate as a Teacher of yoga and Indian traditional philosophy, in India as well as abroad. She conducts yoga classes for people on a on-on-one as well as a group basis. She conducts online yoga called Vistara Yoga and offline yoga and these classes are called Sushrusha Yoga. She has attended workshops conducted by Yoga Vidya Niketan at Vashi, Navi Mumbai and has completed the Life Coach Certification also conducted by Shrimath Yoga. She is a certified Career counsellor and an English verbal expert. As an educator, she has about 33 years of experience having taught English in schools in India as well as in Oman. She lives in Chennai, India with her husband. Learn more about Shanti's university degrees, certifications, and credentials on yoga and meditation - and meet our entire team of experts here: https://laquilaactive.com/blog/meet-our-experts/

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