Sometimes, for no reason, we feel happy and ecstatic. We go on about our day doing things, spreading happiness among our kith and kin, why even strangers!! Let us take a brief look at the reasons...
Category: Yoga Science
Some people just make us feel nervous, drained or depleted after spending time with them. These people are popularly known as energy vampires. It’s good to know how to recognize them and understand...
Sexuality is a big topic nowadays. Many people experience all sorts of blockages in this department. And even those who don’t could sure benefit from increasing their sexual pleasure. That’s why...
Ever heard anyone say to you ‘get centered?’ I have and I wondered how to do it for a long time. Then I took a course on it and here I am writing to you guys about it. To save you the effort, we...
We wrote about the problem of addiction and how meditation can help here. But now we wanted to look into something else. Can your yoga or meditation practice be too much of a good thing? Is it...
Monday complains to a psychologist: “Nobody likes me!” It’s funny because it’s true. Millions of people worldwide feel like this about Monday. This has been proven by researchers at the...