5 Best Affirmations for Each Chakra

Feeling sluggish or tired lately? Stressed or anxious? Emotionally distressed? You might have a blocked chakra. Aligning our chakras is vital for our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Although there are many ways to align and open our chakras, one of the quickest and simplest techniques is through affirmations. Reprogram your brain today and find out the best affirmations for each chakra here!

Get the 5 Best Affirmations for Each Chakra in This Guide Right Here!
Get the 5 Best Affirmations for Each Chakra in This Guide Right Here!

Affirmations are a quick and powerful technique to align and balance chakras. Although connected, each chakra has its own unique function and purpose that influences our physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being. Below is a summary of the 5 best affirmations for each chakra. For best results, be sure to practice daily!

5 Best Affirmations for Each Chakra

1st Chakra

Root Chakra. Sanskrit Name: Mūlādhāra


I am in a safe and secure environment
I love my body, mind, and spirit
The universe will protect and provide for me
I am stable and grounded
I am loved

2nd Chakra

Sacral Chakra. Sanskrit Name: Svādhiṣṭhāna


I am comfortable inside my own body
I embrace my sexuality in a healthy, safe and creative way
My life is surrounded by compassionate and supportive people
I deserve a life of pleasure, joy, and fulfillment
I am highly creative, imaginative, and inspired

3rd Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra. Sanskrit Name: Maṇipūra


I am in control of my life
I am powerful and strong
No one can change the past
I make my own decisions
I will heal past traumas

4th Chakra

Heart Chakra. Sanskrit Name: Anāhata


I forgive myself and others
I am open and ready to give and receive love
My heart radiates gratitude and compassion
I accept myself as I am
I let go and release all past fears, traumas, and resentments

5th Chakra

Throat Chakra. Sanskrit Name: Viśuddha


I speak my truth openly and fearlessly
I feel comfortable expressing myself to others
My life is balanced as an active listener and speaker
I set clear boundaries with others
I am easily able to express and communicate my thoughts to myself and others

6th Chakra

Third Eye Chakra. Sanskrit Name: Ājñā


I always trust my intuition
I act in alignment with my divine purpose
My inner wisdom guides me to my highest authentic self
I am connected to a higher power and the universe
I am a present observer in my life and learn from my life experiences

7th Chakra

Crown Chakra. Sanskrit Name: Sahasrāra


I am a divine being
I am grateful for everything I have and have been given, especially my loved ones
My experiences are blissful
I am open and worthy of receiving divine knowledge and energy
I live in the present moment

Aside from affirmations, there are many other ways to open and balance your chakras. Head here to learn how.

And to identify which of your chakras is blocked or imbalanced, go here.

What Are Affirmations and How Do They Open and Align Chakras?

Practicing Affirmations Regularly Helps Maintain our Self-Integrity and Boost Our Self-Esteem.
Practicing Affirmations Regularly Helps Maintain our Self-Integrity and Boost Our Self-Esteem.

So, positive affirmations are a simple way to open and align chakras and they do so by challenging, reducing, and eliminating negative thoughts. By practicing affirmations regularly, we maintain our self-integrity and boost our self-esteem. Over time, we can literately rewire our brains!

Practicing positive affirmations is quick and easy. Simply pick a positive phrase and repeat it to yourself, either in your head or out loud. This is one of the fastest ways to balance, open, and align your chakras and it can be done anywhere, anytime!

Often, a chakra can be blocked due to stress, anxiety and other forms of emotional distress. This can be caused or exacerbated by constant negative thoughts. We have all been there, right? “I am not good enough.” “Nobody likes me.” “I am unattractive.” At some point, we’ve likely had similar negative thoughts creep into our minds. If we don’t monitor them, they can run amock and create negative thought loops. Positive affirmations help us break this cycle and reprogram our minds!

The Science Behind Affirmations

Although there are numerous ways to open and balance chakras, affirmations are among the most widely proven methods. They are backed up by several scientific studies and research.

Self-affirmation theory is well-established and one of the most important psychological theories underlying the science behind affirmations. This widespread theory, created by social psychologist Claude Steele in 1988 in the paper, “The psychology of self-affirmation: Sustaining the integrity of the self. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 21(2), 261-302,” states that we all have fundamental motivation to maintain our self-integrity.

In a nutshell, this theory states that we all try to maintain our self-integrity and perceive ourselves as good. We also want to predict and control outcomes, even when our self-concept or self-identity is threatened. In some cases, this can be negative for personal development. For example, people often refuse to update their beliefs when presented with new information because they want to protect their ego and prefer to maintain that they were always right.

Although people can maintain their self-integrity to delude themselves of reality, self-affirmation theory also states that this can be also be used positively to create a more flexible self-identity and to overcome major life stresses and challenges. Affirmations help us change our perception about ourselves and who we are. We can positively adapt to new challenges and obstacles as we expand our self-identity to create multiple roles for ourselves. This is best accomplished when we are authentic and true to ourselves. We maintain self-identity not by being the best, but rather by being competent in areas that we personally value.

Therefore, by using self-affirmation theory in our daily affirmations of our own personal values, we can positively expand our self-identity to become more flexible and adaptable in the face of stress and challenging life circumstances.

Affirmations Active Reward Centers In Our Brains

Affirmations Can Activate Reward Centers in Our Brains!
Affirmations Can Activate Reward Centers in Our Brains!

In addition to psychological studies and research, there are also neuroscience studies that show exactly how the brain responds during and after affirmations. Affirmations cause increased activity in specific areas of the brain. For example, studies have shown that positive affirmations activate reward centers in our brain that are similar to when we eat our favorite dessert.

One study led by researchers at the Annenberg School for Communication, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Michigan and UCLA, studied affirmation’s effects on the brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology. This study was published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience and concluded that affirmations create activation of two prominent reward centers in the brain: the ventral striatum (VS) and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC).

Activation of our reward centers is great news for motivation, right? Yes! And there are more benefits, too.

Here’s a list of the Benefits of Affirmations:

  • Help one create a positive outlook on life and foster optimism.
  • Reduce the tendency to linger on past negative experiences.
  • Linked to lower stress, anxiety, and rumination.
  • More resilient to challenges and obstacles in life.
  • Less likely to dismiss negative messages regarding health and more likely to respond to interventions, counseling, and other forms of treatment.
  • Promotes better sleep.
  • Boosts self-esteem.
  • Linked positively to academic achievement.

How to Practice Affirmations:

For Best Results, Expert Recommend Practicing Affirmations for Each Chakra in the Mirror Daily
For Best Results, Expert Recommend Practicing Affirmations for Each Chakra in the Mirror Daily

Although there’s no exact or precise way to practice affirmations, experts recommend the following techniques:

  • Write your affirmations down in a journal.
  • Repeat them 3-5 times per day. For best effect, say them aloud in the mirror.
  • Create a consistent routine to practice your affirmations each day at the same time. It is recommended to practice either right after waking up or going to bed.
  • Share your affirmations with loved ones and have them say your affirmations out loud to reinforce your beliefs through listening to others.
  • In addition to practicing affirmations 3-5 times per day, you can also practice them whenever you have negative thoughts.
  • Be patient and understanding throughout this process and understand it will likely take several weeks in order to see a significant change in perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors.

Best Root Chakra Affirmations

Names: Root Chakra, 1st chakra, Sanskrit name: Mūlādhāra

Location: Base of Spine

Color: Red

Function: The Root chakra is responsible for our basic needs and our physical and emotional safety, stability, and security. This includes basic physical needs such as food, water, shelter, sex and emotional needs such as stability and financial security.

Here are the best foods to open each chakra.

Symptoms of This Blocked Chakra: Feeling sluggish, stress, lack of self-esteem, instability, depression, anxiety, and financial issues. The root chakra has to do with grounding and establishing a strong foundation, and if blocked, you are likely to feel disconnected from the Earth and your environment.

Root Chakra Affirmations Goal and Summary: To help align the root chakra we should focus on affirmations that create a safe and loving space that encourages stability and security.

5 Best Affirmations For the Root Chakra:

  • I am in a safe and secure environment
  • I love my body, mind, and spirit
  • The universe will protect and provide for me
  • I am stable and grounded
  • I am loved

Best Sacral Chakra Affirmations

Names: Sacral Chakra, 2nd chakra, Sanskrit name: Svādhiṣṭhāna

Location:  Just below the tailbone in the lower abdomen.

Color: Orange

Function: The Sacral Chakra is responsible for regulation of our emotional stability as well as our creativity, sexuality, and desires.

Symptoms of This Blocked Chakra: Feelings of guilt, shame, sexual dysfunction, lack of creativity, and prone to compulsive behaviors and addictions.

Sacral Chakra Affirmations Goal and Summary: To help align the sacral chakra we should focus on affirmations that stabilize us emotionally as well as those that encourage self expression, creativity, imagination, and a healthy sexuality.

5 Best Affirmations For the Sacral Chakra:

  • I am comfortable inside my own body
  • I embrace my sexuality in a healthy, safe and creative way
  • My life is surrounded by compassionate and supportive people
  • I deserve a life of pleasure, joy, and fulfillment
  • I am highly creative, imaginative, and inspired

If you feel you’re lacking creativity, go here to learn more about opening this chakra.

Best Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations

Names: Solar Plexus Chakra, 3rd chakra, Sanskrit name: Maṇipūra

Location: Just above the belly button around the abdomen.

Color: Yellow

Function: The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with our self-esteem, ego, and self-confidence. It also governs our willpower and sense of self.

If you feel you lack self-esteem and confidence, go to this post to learn how opening this chakra can help you with that.

Symptoms of This Blocked Chakra: People-pleasing and a constant need of validation from others. This can make us feel powerless, victimized, and not in control of our own lives. This can wreak havoc on our ego, identity, and self-confidence.

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations Goal and Summary: To help align the solar chakra we should focus on affirmations that empower us! These affirmations should ignite courage, inner strength, and confidence.

5 Best Affirmations For the Solar Plexus Chakra:

  • I am in control of my life
  • I am powerful and strong
  • No one can change the past
  • I make my own decisions
  • I will heal past traumas

Best Heart Chakra Affirmations

For Heart Chakra, Focus on affirmations that spark compassion, forgiveness, and above all, love!
For Heart Chakra, Focus on affirmations that spark compassion, forgiveness, and above all, love!

Names: Heart Chakra, 4th Chakra, Sanskrit name: Anāhata

Location: Center of chest near the heart.

Color: Green

Function: The Heart Chakra is the center of the chakra center and connects the upper three chakras with the lower three, thereby linking our spiritual and physical bodies. The heart chakra governs our ability to love, empathize, and forgive others, as well as ourselves.

Symptoms of This Blocked Chakra: Difficulty feeling empathy or forgiveness or others. May also be hard to find self-acceptance. Additionally, as it’s located in the center, a blocked heart chakra can greatly reduce the flow of energy throughout the chakra system.

Heart Chakra Affirmations Goal and Summary: To help align the heart chakra, it is important to heal your relationships with your most loved ones and especially yourself. Learn to become more self-accepting of who you are and to let go. Focus on affirmations that spark compassion, forgiveness, and above all, love!

5 Best Affirmations For the Heart Chakra:

  • I forgive myself and others
  • I am open and ready to give and receive love
  • My heart radiates gratitude and compassion
  • I accept myself as I am
  • I let go and release all past fears, traumas, and resentments

Best Throat Chakra Affirmations

Names: Throat Chakra, 5th Chakra, Sanskrit name: Viśuddha

Location: Located around the throat, neck, jaw, and mouth

Color: Blue

Function: The Throat Chakra governs our ability to express ourselves and communicate our authentic self. It helps us speak our own truth honestly, purely, and authentically. It is responsible for both our self expression as well as our ability to listen and understand our own inner intuition.

Symptoms of This Blocked Chakra: Lack of confidence to communicate your thoughts or feelings. Frustrated and incapable of expressing how you truly feel within. Additionally, you may be fearful of the opinions of others.

Throat Chakra Affirmations Goal and Summary: Align and balance this chakra by practicing affirmations which inspire confidence for you to speak truthfully, clearly, and courageously. Additionally, focus on your ability to better communicate within and to listen to your inner intuition and wisdom.

5 Best Affirmations For the Throat Chakra:

  • I speak my truth openly and fearlessly
  • I feel comfortable expressing myself to others
  • My life is balanced as an active listener and speaker
  • I set clear boundaries with others
  • I am easily able to express and communicate my thoughts to myself and others

Best Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

Our Third Eye Connects Us to Our Intuition and Inner Wisdom
Our Third Eye Connects Us to Our Intuition and Inner Wisdom

Names: Third Eye Chakra, 6th Chakra, Sanskrit name: Ājñā

Location: In the forehead above the eyebrows in the center where they connec

Color: Indigo

Function: The Third Eye Chakra governs our intuition, perception and inner wisdom. It also is associated with higher levels of consciousness and allow us to see the world from a new perspective and dimension. Additionally, it helps us perceive life with a greater sense of clarity and purpose. For some, it may even enable or enhance psychic abilities.

Symptoms of This Blocked Chakra: You may lack vision, direction, clarity, memory or imagination. Often, this can create narrow minded thinking. Even worse, it can lead to denial of reality, delusional thoughts, paranoia, or persistent nightmares.

Third Eye Chakra Affirmations Goal and Summary: To help align this chakra, we want to use affirmations that connect us to our intuition and inner wisdom. We want to use affirmations that will help us see the world from a higher dimension to achieve greater vision, clarity, and purpose.

5 Best Affirmations For the Third Eye Chakra:

  • I always trust my intuition
  • I act in alignment with my divine purpose
  • My inner wisdom guides me to my highest authentic self
  • I am connected to a higher power and the universe
  • I am a present observer in my life and learn from my life experiences

Best Crown Chakra Affirmations

Names: Crown Chakra, 7th Chakra, Sanskrit name: Sahasrāra

Location: The very top, or crown, of head

Color: Violet

Function: The Crown Chakra governs our connection to the universe, the cosmos, and divinity. It is responsible for our spiritual connection to all living things. Additionally, it is highly associated with higher levels of consciousness, enlightenment, and bliss.

Symptoms of This Blocked Chakra: Often, this manifests as difficulty connecting with our higher self, or the universe in general. There are also accompanying feelings of disconnection or dissociation with our spiritual self or our bodies. We may lack trust in a higher power or the universe. We may also become narcissistic and act egotistically towards others.

Crown Chakra Affirmations Goal and Summary: Affirmations that reconnect us to the divine and our spiritual selves are best for the crown chakra. Focus on affirmations foster gratitude and allow us to be present. This will help us increase our level of consciousness and connect us to source and all living things.

5 Best Affirmations For the Crown Chakra:

  • I am a divine being
  • I am grateful for everything I have and have been given, especially my loved ones
  • My experiences are blissful
  • I am open and worthy of receiving divine knowledge and energy
  • I live in the present moment


Affirmations are natural, simple, fast, and effective. The psychological theories behind them are widespread, accepted, and backed up and by multiple scientific research articles and studies. Additionally, neuroscience studies have also proven that affirmations cause increased activity in specific areas of the brain and activate reward centers. Affirmations are a quick and powerful technique to align and balance chakras. Use our guide to find the 5 best affirmations for each chakra and remember to practice multiple times daily to get the best results!


The Psychology of Self-Affirmation: Sustaining the Integrity of the Self

Positive Daily Affirmations: Is There Science Behind It?

Study Reveals the Neural Mechanics of Self-Affirmation

Shanti Arunkumar, Senior Contributor At L’Aquila Active

Learn more about Shanti by reading her bio below.

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Shanti Arunkumar

Shanti Arunkumar is a senior contributor at L’Aquila Active. Shanti Arunkumar has been practicing yoga as a student since childhood. She has qualified from Shrimath Yoga as a yoga instructor, acquiring the necessary credentials to facilitate as a Teacher of yoga and Indian traditional philosophy, in India as well as abroad. She conducts yoga classes for people on a on-on-one as well as a group basis. She conducts online yoga called Vistara Yoga and offline yoga and these classes are called Sushrusha Yoga. She has attended workshops conducted by Yoga Vidya Niketan at Vashi, Navi Mumbai and has completed the Life Coach Certification also conducted by Shrimath Yoga. She is a certified Career counsellor and an English verbal expert. As an educator, she has about 33 years of experience having taught English in schools in India as well as in Oman. She lives in Chennai, India with her husband. Learn more about Shanti's university degrees, certifications, and credentials on yoga and meditation - and meet our entire team of experts here: https://laquilaactive.com/blog/meet-our-experts/

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