5 Safe and Effective Yoga Poses For Back Pain!

Back Pain Is The Worldwide Leading Cause of Disability -Photo by Romina Farías on Unsplash

Do you suffer from back pain? If so, you are not alone. Back pain affects people of all ages, is the worldwide leading cause of disability, and it is estimated by experts that up to 80% of the population will experience back pain at some time in their lives. The global epidemic of prescription opioid abuse has also led to wider acknowledgment of the benefits of non-drug approaches to back pain. One of the best natural and proven techniques to reduce and manage back pain is yoga.

Yoga is a safe form of exercise for both maintaining the spine and reducing back pain. Some of the best and most effective poses for back pain include cat-cow pose, downward facing dog pose, extended triangle pose, bridge pose and child pose are very beneficial in managing and reducing back pain.

Yoga Reduces Back Pain As Well As Stress And Anxiety

Today, doctors often recommend yoga for patients suffering from back pain as well as accompanying stress that results from it. Yoga can be considered a mind-body therapy which helps not only in strengthening but also relaxing the body. A few minutes of yoga per day is enough for the physical body. It brings awareness in a body in such a way that one can notice the tension and imbalances in a body.

With the help of yoga one can bring the balance and alignment in the body. All over the world, yoga is considered to be quite popular and a safe form of exercise. Yoga reduces back pain and also helps in maintaining a healthy spine. When a person does yoga poses, it helps in stretching and strengthening the back muscles. Yoga is a combination of postures as well as breath control and meditation which are equally important in preventing back pain.

Yoga also helps to activate the Vagus nerve, the longest craniosacral nerve on our body. By stimulating it we lower our stress and anxiety levels. Here’s how to activate the Vagus nerve with your yoga practice.

Yoga Helps Maintain A Healthy Spine and Increases Mobility

Maintaining good posture is very important in yoga as it helps in proper alignment. Bending and forcing the body in doing certain poses should be avoided as they may lead to more back pain. Yoga should be done in such a way that the practitioner is in a comfortable position. Before going on the advanced positions, the person practicing yoga should begin with easier poses. Yoga also helps in loosening the tight muscles on the back which helps in improving mobility. It is quite beneficial in reducing muscular tension, building flexibility and strength and improving balance and bone strength.

There are 3 muscles that support the back and spine:

Para spinal muscles: bending of the spine

The multi fidus muscles: stabilizing the vertebrae

The transverse abdominis: stabilizing the spine.

Yoga helps stretch, build, and support these muscles which support the back and spine. Various poses that helps in reducing back pain are as follows:

Cat Cow

Try Cat-Cow Yoga Pose to Reduce Back Pain
Try Cat-Cow Yoga Pose to Reduce Back Pain

Start this pose on all fours on both hands and knees. Then by placing the wrists underneath the shoulders and the knees underneath the hips, one should balance the weight. While inhaling and exhaling, one should draw the navel toward the spine and gently tuck the tailbone. This should be repeated after inhaling again. It is very important to link the breath with the movement of the body. While doing the movement, awareness regarding one’s body should be there and focus regarding releasing the tension should be there. Practice the cat cow stretch at least 5-10 times in a day for the better mobilization of the spine. This pose not only stretches the spine but also the torso, shoulders and neck.

Downward-Facing Dog

Try Downward Facing Dog Yoga Pose to Reduce Back Pain
Try Downward Facing Dog Yoga Pose to Reduce Back Pain

Begin this pose by getting on all the fours. One should place the hands under the wrists which should be aligned and with the knees under the hips. Then while pressing the hands and tucking the toes under, one must lift up the knees. There should be a slight bend in the knees and heels slightly off the ground. The main attention should be given to the position of hips and shoulders and so the weight should be evenly distributed between both sides of the body. One should hold this pose for at least 1 minute for effective results.

This type of pose is quite restful and rejuvenating. It helps with back pain and sciatica. It also helps in imbalances in the body and improving strength. This pose helps in stretching the hamstrings. It is also great in standing and lifting objects.

Extended Triangle

Try Extended Triangle Yoga Pose to Reduce Back Pain
Try Extended Triangle Yoga Pose to Reduce Back Pain

This pose is done by standing straight with the feet together. Then while pointing the left foot out at 45 degree angle, one must turn the chest to the side. After that, one must open up the pose by stretching the right arm toward the ground and the left arm toward the ceiling in such a way that both the legs are straight. It is important to tilt forward and bring the hand to the leg, a yoga block or onto the floor. When one is not able to touch the ground in the beginning with the right arm then one shouldn’t over stretch as this will cause more pain. It is important to maintain a straight back. It is necessary to hold the pose for up to 1 minute.

This is a classic standing posture which helps in lengthening torso muscles to build strength. The extended triangle is great in alleviating backache, neck pain and sciatica. It helps in stretching the spine and hips and also in strengthening the shoulders, chest and legs. It also helps in relieving stress and anxiety.

Other yogic breathing exercises that help relieve anxiety are these.

And for stress, a great way to reduce it is through the practice of Yoga Nidra – in here we’ve included a scientific background of why Yoga Nidra works and a 10 minute guided session for you to try it out.

Bridge Pose

Try Bridge Yoga Pose to Reduce Back Pain
Try Bridge Yoga Pose to Reduce Back Pain

This pose is done by lying on the back with the knees bent and the heels should be drawn in the sitting bones. While lifting the tailbone up, one should press the feet and arms into the floor. This lifting should be continued until the thighs are parallel to the floor. One should hold this pose for at least 1 minute. In the end one should release by slowly rolling the spine back down to the floor. After that, it is important to relax and breathe deeply. Practice the bridge pose 3 times each day for better and mroe effective results. It is quite beneficial in stretching the spine and relieving backaches and headaches.

Child’s Pose

Try Child's Yoga Pose to Reduce Back Pain
Try Child’s Yoga Pose to Reduce Back Pain

This pose is done by sitting back on the heels with the knees together. One can also use a bolster or blanket under the thighs, torso or forehead for support. Then after bending forward and walking the hands in front, one must rest the forehead gently on the floor. The arms should either be extended in front or should be kept alongside the body with the palms facing up. While doing the pose, the focus should be on releasing the tension in the back. For a good and soothing stretch, one should remain in this position for up to 5 minutes.

Child’s pose is great in elongating the back and relieving stress and fatigue. It also relaxes and releases tension from the neck and back. This pose helps in lengthening and stretching the spine, hips, thighs and ankles. It acts as a de-stressor when a person has a long and exhausting day or before going to bed. 

Yoga Reduces Back Pain and Increases Flexibility and Strength        

These are the 5 kind of yoga poses that not only helps in reducing back pain but also build strength and flexibility. Iyengar yoga is a type of therapy especially for people experiencing chronic low back pain. Patients experience significantly less back pain after doing Iyengar yoga, and today it is often recommended by doctors. According to various doctors, one should follow proper form and speed and should not try to quicken it as it may cause injury. One should never be hesitant in using additional support/props like blocks or bolsters when one needs them. A person practicing yoga can always modify a pose e.g.: do forward bends while sitting rather than standing or using a yoga belt to reach the toes etc. or stop any move which is uncomfortable.

Increase Blood Flow and Decrease Tension and Stress

Stretching in yoga helps in increasing flexibility by increasing blood flow to tight muscles. Yoga usually focuses on balance and steadiness which helps in encouraging the body to develop defenses against the causes of back pain. The poses or postures in yoga not only strengthen the muscles in the back but also the abdominal muscles. These muscles are one of the most important components of the spine as it helps the body in maintaining proper upright posture and movement.

With the help of yoga, these muscles are conditioned well which in turn helps in alleviating back pain. Yoga is a great stress buster as it reduces tension in stress-carrying muscles. When the hamstring muscles are stretched in yoga, it helps in expanding the motion in the pelvis thereby causing a decrease in the stress across the lower back. Stretching done in yoga is great for the blood flow as it allows the nutrients to flow in and toxins to flow out. This provides overall nourishment of the muscles and soft tissues situated in the lower back. Yoga reduces back pain, and these poses are among the best to help today as well as reduce injury in the future. These poses will also help strengthen the spine, improve blood flow, and increase flexibility. Try Them today!







Tatjana Glogovac, Senior Contributor At L’Aquila Active

Learn more about Tatjana by reading her bio below.

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Shanti Arunkumar

Shanti Arunkumar is a senior contributor at L’Aquila Active. Shanti Arunkumar has been practicing yoga as a student since childhood. She has qualified from Shrimath Yoga as a yoga instructor, acquiring the necessary credentials to facilitate as a Teacher of yoga and Indian traditional philosophy, in India as well as abroad. She conducts yoga classes for people on a on-on-one as well as a group basis. She conducts online yoga called Vistara Yoga and offline yoga and these classes are called Sushrusha Yoga. She has attended workshops conducted by Yoga Vidya Niketan at Vashi, Navi Mumbai and has completed the Life Coach Certification also conducted by Shrimath Yoga. She is a certified Career counsellor and an English verbal expert. As an educator, she has about 33 years of experience having taught English in schools in India as well as in Oman. She lives in Chennai, India with her husband. Learn more about Shanti's university degrees, certifications, and credentials on yoga and meditation - and meet our entire team of experts here: https://laquilaactive.com/blog/meet-our-experts/

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